We drill further, deeper and more cost effectively.

Oil and gas exploration has seen tremendous traction throughout the United States in recent years as new technologies have allowed companies to drill deeper and further than once imagined. As companies race to bring these new found reserves to market, installation of new pipeline infrastructure has become paramount to being profitable.

Turn-Key Tunneling can perform on- grade installation for railroad crossings, wetland or protected areas, extreme hard rock formations, etc. to allow for timely installation of your pipeline needs. Turn-Key Tunneling has completed numerous projects throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and West Virginia to facilitate pipeline installations. 

KEY Projects

Pedestrian Tunnel in White Oak, NC

Projects Cary, NC Pedestrian Tunnel under CSXT Railroad The White Oak Creek Greenway project for the Town of Cary consisted of the construction of approximately 0.5 miles of pedestrian improvements consisting of approximately 1,191 lf of concrete greenway. 102 lf of 14-ft diameter pedestrian tunnel under CSXT railroad, 916 lf

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Emergency Sink Hole Repair, Jackson, OH

Projects Jackson County, OH Emergency Sink Hole Repair Jackson County, OH a 15′ sink hole developed on the North Bound shoulder on US 35 and water was being retained and threatened to flood a 30-acre parcel. ODOT assessed the situation and determined that an unknown 96-in. corrugated metal pipe (CMP)

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Hand Mine Tunneling, Arlington, VA

Projects Arlington County, VA Holiday Inn Express Working for Dittmar Building Company on a Holiday Inn Express in Arlington County, Virginia: Turn-Key Tunneling furnished and installed four working shafts (A-18’ Diameter, B-15’ Diameter, C-16’ Diameter, D-16’ Diameter). The project further included a 60” Diameter tunnel with 36” Diameter HOBAS carrier

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