Congratulations to Dave Ratliff for having the winning idea bank idea for this past quarter.
When the company decides it is time for new tool sheds, I think we should go with a flat trailer, then set a connex box on top of the trailer for our shed. This will be helpful because trailers have more clearance then sheds and have far better axles and spring hangers. Added to this, all crews would have a tag trailer on site if needed to haul supplies by simply setting the box off onsite, not to mention the C-boxes are built sturdier which could help prevent theft, punctures, and has better locking capabilities, and door hinges. If we stuck with the sixteen foot that we are currently using, there would be another 4 foot of trailer below it for hauling extra’s (possible welder and fuel barrel).
We had many great ideas so keep them coming! Remember that every single person is part of making Turn-Key Tunneling better and a big way that is done is through new ideas. To be successful at Turn-Key our employees are expected to either contribute ideas and/or support the work of implementing change because of the ideas of others. It applies as much to new employees who have the freshest set of eyes to ones as it does to those who have been here a long time.